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≡ Descargar Gratis The Shell Game (Audible Audio Edition) Steve Alten Keith Szarabajka Inc Blackstone Audio Books

The Shell Game (Audible Audio Edition) Steve Alten Keith Szarabajka Inc Blackstone Audio Books

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Download PDF  The Shell Game (Audible Audio Edition) Steve Alten Keith Szarabajka Inc Blackstone Audio Books

The events of September 11, 2001, the invasion of Iraq, radical Islamists, an impending showdown with Iran - what do these have in common? Oil. And the world is running out. The Shell Game is far more than a thriller; it is a cautionary tale that exposes the next 9/11 event, a deception that will lead to a retaliatory chemical weapons strike on Iran and the terrorist elements that the regime supports. Though written as fiction, this novel is filled with all-too-real details provided by insiders in the oil industry, military, and Middle Eastern affairs, and extrapolates from real events of the past and presents a future that will lead us down a path of self-destruction, unless we stop the insanity now.

In 2007, two CIA spooks meet with an American colonel in military intelligence. The war is going badly, and President Bush, who steadfastly refuses to back down, remains unchallenged at home as Democrats and Republicans focus on the 2008 elections. Meanwhile, Iran's pursuit of nuclear energy will yield enriched uranium by 2012 - uranium that could be used to manufacture suitcase nukes. The US military is too drained to invade Iran, and a preemptive strike is out of the question; unless, that is, a nuclear detonation were to occur in an American city - one in which the uranium can be traced to Iran. A US reprisal would strike a death blow to radical Islam, quell the insurgent violence in Iraq, and yield more oil. Yes, the cost is unthinkable, but doing nothing could result in a dozen suitcase bombs going off in a dozen American cities, bringing anarchy and the collapse of Western civilization.

December 2011. Ashley "Ace" Futrell is an oil-industry expert married to Kelli Doyle, a former national security advisor and one of the CIA spooks in the 2007 meeting. When Kelli threatens to expose the plot, Ace finds his existence hurtling down a rabbit hole of deceit, in which the lies of the powerful few could lead to the darkest days of human existence and the death knell for billions.

The Shell Game (Audible Audio Edition) Steve Alten Keith Szarabajka Inc Blackstone Audio Books

This book was a covert ops/political/mystery book but it is scarily eerie as it coincides so closely with current events. At the time of this review (3/27/12) it has been about 3 years since I read the book but it struck such a chord in me that I have recommended it to many friends (both those who read avidly and those who don't). SPOILER ALERT: This book is about the limitations of fossil fuels, particularly oil, and America's dependence upon foreign oil. It shows the possibility that the people in power (regardless of political party affiliation) will keep secrets regarding the amount of fossil fuels remaining and the lengths that they will go to to keep that knowledge from the public. I was riveted by the story and couldn't put the book down. This story was a great departure from Steve Alten's other books (the MEG series and the Domain series) and it was both enjoyable and terrifying at the same time. I would recommend it to anyone who likes the works of James Rollins, Steve Berry, David Lynn Golemon, etc.

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 15 hours and 1 minute
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Blackstone Audio, Inc.
  • Release Date November 8, 2016
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English

Read  The Shell Game (Audible Audio Edition) Steve Alten Keith Szarabajka Inc Blackstone Audio Books

Tags : The Shell Game (Audible Audio Edition): Steve Alten, Keith Szarabajka, Inc. Blackstone Audio: Books, ,Steve Alten, Keith Szarabajka, Inc. Blackstone Audio,The Shell Game,Blackstone Audio, Inc.,B01M4MBBHL
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The Shell Game (Audible Audio Edition) Steve Alten Keith Szarabajka Inc Blackstone Audio Books Reviews

WOW!!! It's about time someone has written a "historical" type novel about the after-effects of 9/11, and where those effects could probably lead us.
While the public at-large is largely ignorant and believes only what is presented to them by the multi-corporate owned media outlets, the written word in books has not yet been taken away from us.
Steve Alten has done every American a favor by writing this book.
This book is the most important book yet written with regard to where this country is being led by its own government. Although a novel in form, it is a thinly veiled history of current and probable events. Each chapter is prefaced by actual quotes by actual people that should scare the beejeezus out of every American.
If after reading this book, the reader's mind isn't opened to the presented probabilities of what "could" happen in this country, then this country is toast.
The United States of Advertising exists and exists to divert the attention of its pathetic citizenry. Citizenry who are conditioned to think that consuming things and Brittany Spears are important in their lives, enough so that politicians and law makers get away with just about anything they want. One day, if we're all lucky, or enough people read books like THE SHELL GAME, we may overcome this horrendous monster that used to be OUR government. It isn't any longer folks, The Emperor is indeed not wearing any clothes.
Read this book, pass it around, tell everyone you know about it. Then
Go to [...] and give Steve the thanks he deserves for
trying to open everyone's eyes and mind!.

The Assassin.
Wow! I will mimic what many have already said; the Shell Game is a real page turner. And, I too, agree with many of the reviews that Steve Alten is known for his extensive research before writing each book, like Domain and Goliath, etc. Further, the writer states that this book "The Shell Game' is based on truth, but guised as fiction. And after reading several of these threads... many of his followers do as well...with phrases such as "based in reality" or "factual," which is somewhat alarming.

I too, love the imaginary world of fiction in any genre; from `Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne; Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll; Flatland by Edwin Abbott, 2001/2010 A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke, and writers such as H.G. Wells, Dante Alighieri, John Milton, Tom Clancy, Clive Cussler, Michael Crichton, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Joel Rosenberg, Robin Cook and the list goes on and on from the American and English literature classics to romance. However, I have never considered any of these fictional stories to be based "exclusively" on "factual representation of the truth." A fictional book is just that...a fictional story, and if the writer wanted to write a true account then he or she would have written a nonfiction. However, I do believe that many writers thread their books with many facts, similar to many of our greatest philosophers' fine works throughout the centuries, and we all know why they called them allegories...

You can title a book historical fiction, semi-fiction, guised as fiction, etc. but at the end of the day, it is still a fictional story with possibly a clever marketing strategy wrapped around a new release, similar to the DaVinci Code. On the other hand, all these fascinating writers have always encouraged me to seek out and read as many nonfictional books as I can so that I too, can make an attempt to find out the truth and construct an informed opinion. Though be cautious and extremely suspicious, because just because someone writes a nonfiction book, does not necessarily mean that it is based in fact... It could be based on whatever that writer's research and/or bias has led him or her to believe. So be vigilant and read all sides of any given subject, and then after careful consideration formulate your own opinion based on the writings of many authors. Needless to say, in many instances, you may not find out the truth so easily, but keep on reading. And don't always be fooled by the letters of PhD behind an author's name, because that could also infer "Piled Higher and Deeper," no disrespect intended.

Therefore, take caution here and remember that you, as the reader don't know what is sprinkled with fact as you turn each page and read each sentence. Let's just say that it's a good fiction sprinkled with some facts, partial truths, and has a probable storyline, etc. But, don't let us get carried away and predict that Alten's the next Nostradamus prophesying a future apocalypse. I assure you there are others more qualified to do that...

Although, in his defense, and other storytellers with incredible muses, let me just say, that no matter what you believe... you as an American citizen should sit up and pay attention to many of these writers, and what they are desperately trying to tell us, because just like Steve Alten, many of them are skillfully trying to entice you to take the initiative to seek out the truth on your open your eyes to what is really going on behind the scenes in our American government; what is going on behind the scenes around the world; what is going on in your own city, town, or state, etc. Because all too many Americans are living too comfortably draped behind the beauty and luxury of the American Flag....we're hypnotized by those beautiful stripes waving back and forth, and back and forth, and blinded by those fifty bright gleaming stars... But, while the American Flag is a safety net to millions it...unfortunately, is also being used as a blanket to cover up corruption and greed at the highest levels in our government. Therefore, Steve Alten even though I find your novel somewhat biased based on some of your questionable threads of so-called truths, I will still give you five stars for really good storytelling, after all it is classified as fiction, and more importantly, for trying to entice all your readers to seek out the truth. Kudos to you, Sir...
This book was a covert ops/political/mystery book but it is scarily eerie as it coincides so closely with current events. At the time of this review (3/27/12) it has been about 3 years since I read the book but it struck such a chord in me that I have recommended it to many friends (both those who read avidly and those who don't). SPOILER ALERT This book is about the limitations of fossil fuels, particularly oil, and America's dependence upon foreign oil. It shows the possibility that the people in power (regardless of political party affiliation) will keep secrets regarding the amount of fossil fuels remaining and the lengths that they will go to to keep that knowledge from the public. I was riveted by the story and couldn't put the book down. This story was a great departure from Steve Alten's other books (the MEG series and the Domain series) and it was both enjoyable and terrifying at the same time. I would recommend it to anyone who likes the works of James Rollins, Steve Berry, David Lynn Golemon, etc.
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